Mega Boost Solutions INC.
After using all the brands on the market for many years, seeing how the concentrations of the products were not always the same, and having to buy more than 12 different products to reach the amount of nutrients needed to achieve a high production, we gave ourselves the task of making our own nutrient solutions which, for many years, we have been improving until reaching a full range of nutrients for a successful growth and production.
All our raw materials are imported from Israel and those of organic origin are made in the USA. We do not make any ingredient of low cost or of doubtful origin. We are always available to show to any customer certifications of our raw materials or of the independent lab tests that guarantee the percentages of our concentrations exposed in the labels of our products.
After reaching larger productions, we started to share it with other growers which, were increasing rapidly, so, we decided to produce it commercially to reach the hydro market that has the same problems that we faced before.
Most of the companies order to mix their solutions to a plant and then sell the final product. This is the reason why the quality control is not appropriate and the same product is obtained with concentrations so different that it could be seen at simple sight, sometimes may be more viscous or liquidy. We mix our own products very carefully and then are filtered to obtain a free concentration of impurities and salts.
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